Whitebeard and 5 things you have to know about him.

If you are an old fan of One Piece, You'll know these things about him, but if you are a new one, let us help you to discover this yonkou, we bet you'll love this old man after reading this post.

1, The pirate who doesn’t care about treasure.
Since he was a young man, Whitebeard has sailed on the sea as a pirate and helped some guys find lot of treasure but he isn’t interested with those. The only one thing that he want sice he was a child is a family, so he want to find kids in the vast sea to become his son and build a big family that we’ve called as Whitebeard pirates.

2, He refused the offer to become the next Pirate King.
As we’ve known, The Pirate King is the guy who conquer the sea, step on all island in the world and of course Raftel is the final island, if you want to get there, you have to get the instruction ( printed on 4 red poneglyphs) to 4 different islands after that you can define it.
Before Gol D. Roger’s execution, Roger and Whitebeard had a meet with each other, they told lot of thing and Roger offered if he should tell Whitebeard the way to Raftel ( The final island). But he refused, he said “ you can talk to me or not, but I won’t get there, I’m not interested”.

3, The one who has the power to destroy the world.
The Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku had to recognize that “ Don’t think we’ll easily win, he is the guy who has the power to destroy the whole world”. Not just with his incredible strength, Whitebeard possesses the power of Gura- Gura nomi that made him a Quake Man. He can ceate Earthquake, Seaquake, Tsunami,… furthermore he can tilt the ground and the sea as he want. In the battle in Marineford, he destroyed the whole Navy Headquaters with his terrifying power.
You can watch Whitebeard show his power from Episode: 461

4, A great fighter.
In his whole life, Whitebeard takes a lot of terrifying battle and journey with many strong opponents (include the Pirate King- Gol D. Roger) but he has no scar on his back because he never run away from his battle.

5, Never leaves his son.

With Whitebeard the bigest an the only treasure are his sons ( he calls his pirate as his son, they ar guys who be abandoned). No one wwant to lay a finger on members of Whitebeard pirates. They know what they’ll face and pay for that- it’s the warth of the king of the sea. Whitebeard’ll use his all power to protect his son even if the opponent is the superior force of the Navy ( include the Warlords and 3 Admirals). It’s hard to resist his wrath!
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The Yonkou- Red Hair Shanks

Yonkou also known as the four kings of the sea, four strongest and most powerful pirates. Most of us are interested with their ability in battle, in this series, OnePiece Profile’ll discuss about them from all information we knew. And now, the first chosen one is Red Hair Shanks- The Yonkou has the most fans ( I think).
Shanks came from East Blue. He was an former member of Roger pirates, af the The Pirate King- Gol D. Roger is executed, Shanks decided to keep sailing on the sea as a pirate and now as we’ve known he is the captain of the Red Hair Pirate and their pirate become a legend- The Red Force which made most pirates and Navy soldiers frighten when they face.
Through his actions and talks in several appearances we can easily to realize that he is a great guy. 
How ever His skills is the most interesting thing that we concern.

First for all, we can definitely affirm that Shanks is not a Devil Fruit Eater. He can swim and save Luffy from a Sea King in East Blue. So we can reject the theory about his Devil Fruit Ability.

Second for all, Shanks is a great conqueror’s haki. He can make a Sea King run away just by staring at it’s eye and when step on Whitebeard ship he made lost of them felt down without do anything, furthermore seem like he can make damage to their ship too. Marco the Phoenix- the first division commander of Whitebeard Pirates must recognize “ This guy always has great spirit” and asked the weak go down stair.

Third for all, Shanks is a great swordsman. Shanks and Mihawk has challenged each other several times and their challenges are famous deals, even Whitebeard know about those. However, after Shanks lost his left arm, Mihawk hasn’t want to fight him anymore, he think it’s… And we can see how strong Shanks is, when he can block Whitebeard’s attack with just 1 arm, that mean lost left arm didn’t make him has big trouble in battle.

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Aokiji vs Akainu The clash between 2 Navy Admirals.

As we’ve known- After the great battle in Marineford, there was a civil war between 2 Navy Admiral-Aokiji (Kuzan) and Akainu (Sakazuki). It’s the first time that Admirals against each other and lead them take a fight. That must be a frightening battle because they are very strong.

The cause of that battle is The Fleet Admiral possition. After the death of Whitebeard, The former Fleet Admiral- Sengoku though that his era is end and it’s the time for the next generation. Sengoku decided to resign and recommended Aokiji for that possition. However, Five Elder Star ( Gorosei) recommended Akainu as the next Fleet Admiral of course Gorosei is more powerful than Sengoku and Akainu must become the next Fleet Admiral as they want. However after that Sakazuki and Kuzan made their own deal that they’ll take a fight, the looser must leave the Navy and the winner’ll become the leader of Navy. As we’ve know- Aokiji also known as the Lazy Justice, never show shock or surprise from almost anything and… right, he’s not the kind of human who want to take the Fleet Admiral at any cost. However, the key is that he hates Akainu- they have different way to implement the justice. Like somebody said “ Akainu is lava but has cold heart- Aokiji with ice power but his heart is warm”. And finaly they chose Punk Hazard as the place to settle their own trouble.

The battle took consecutively 10 days and the whole island become a half lava half ice place. Finaly Akainu became the winner and get the Fleet Admiral possition and Aokiji disappeared after that. After timeskip we can see both of them has big scars in their body and Kuzan lost his left leg ( now he creates an ice leg to fill it). We could say Sakazuki is the stronger because he can take Kuzan’s leg but may be we don’t know Sakazuki lost something, he hasn’t appeared a lot after that.

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One Piece's touching moments

One Piece is not just a normal Anime or manga, It give us lot of feel: happy, thrill, sad… it teach us about: friend ship, dream, gratitude,… We have to say that “ the only reason make you don’t like One Piece that is You haven’t watched it yet” . In this post we’ll show you some touching moments of this Anime/ Manga.

1, Goodbye Going Merry – Episode 312

This is the first Pirate Ship of Straw Hat Crew, and they treated her as a friend. We say her because this Ship has own mind ( according to the myth, the ship when was treated as a friend of a group can have it’s own mind and sould. Going Merry is a ship like that). You can remember that Going Merry had traveled with them for a long journey to a lot of strange islands include Skypiea. Going Merry had lot of damage after all and she can’t sail any more. The final time she sailed on the sea without any member on the deck, she tried to rescue Straw Hat Crew from the fire of “Buster Call”. And after that she had her farewell.

2, Kuma divided the Straw Hat Crew – Episode 405

We bet you could remember everything happen in Sabaody before time skip. Kuma showed no mercy with Straw Hat Crew. He beat every single one of them. And they were disappeared in front of Luffy’s eyes, the first time he can’t afford to protect his friends, the first time he must claim the mercy from his opponent and relized that he didn’t strong enough. Of course, now we can know that Kuma is a good guy and he do it to help them training themselves, but his way is too harsh.

3, Ace’s death – Episode 483

Teach had captured and submitted Ace to the Navy for his promotion to become a Warlord. Whitebeard pirates, Luffy and their alliance came to rescue Ace from his execution. Luffy had rescued his brother from the platform and they tried to run away, but we were shocked in the end, Ace died when he prevented Akainu from punching Luffy. He died with the smile in his face- he has a life of no regret.

4, The Mink tribe’s sacrifice – Episode 767

It’s hard to believe everything about the Mink tribe. They don’t have incredible strength but also has incredible spirit, they willing to die to protect their friends – Wano kingdom. As Cat Viper said “ No matter what’ll be ruined, We’ll never sell out our friends”. 

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Sogeking- an incredible sniper.

Usopp is the sniper of Straw Hat crew, he also known as Sogeking or God Usopp (you can read about his story here). In original span of One Piece, we can see how good Usopp is in using his slingshot that made him very proud of.

Using different kinds of balls he made lot of impedment for opponents. He could say he is a good sniper, but after Enies Loby you must say he has an incredible skill. All of us saw that Usopp can stand from the Tower of Law shoted exactly to his enemies in the end of the Bridge of Hesitation. That distance is too far for rifes to shot against. You could wonder “I have underestimated him, he’s strong enough to spread the slingshot like that for that far” or “ Oda is an illogical guy, a slingshot can’t do that even if it a enourmous one”,…

Most of us agree with his sniper skills but a slingshot that has the range like that is ridiculous and Usopp can’t strong enough to spread a slingshot like that. However, if you were a detail fan and didn’t ignore any episodes, you could easily understand about this strange point. It’s come from the secret part of his new slingshot.
You could remember that people in Skypiea have lot of things called “ Dial”:
Frame Dial- absorbs and releases fire.
Flash Dial- stores and releases light.
Flavor Dial- stores the smell and aromas
Impact Dial- absorbs and release force that it received.
Reject Dial- an stronger version of Impact Dial.
Tone Dial- record and replay the sounds spoken into it.
Breath Dial- stores air currents- use for Wave.
Usopp has collected several of them and use for his own purpose, Some are used directly in battle, some are used to improve weapons ( for him and Nami). Usopp used Breath Dial of his new slingshot- the Dial that strong enough to use for Wave to move, so that slingshot has incredible range that the rifes of Navy soldiers didn’t have any chance to against.. Usopp is a weak one but he has his own advantage- he can do what The Trio Beast ( Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) can’t do.

We could say Enies Loby is a mark that set off the position of Usopp as a sniper of the crew.
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Jack- The superior monster

After new Episode 759 and 760, We saw lot of incredible things.

About Mink's soldiers we must say They are realy strong and all of them have a strange ability even a child. They confidently talk to Jack: " There is no weakling in this country". Yeah, we've seen it. They have some kind of Sock Wave to attack the enemy, make them fainting. And When the Duke Dogstorm appeared, he just with 1 hand, he can easily stopped the attack of Jack ( the man with bounty reach Beri), after that, he make lot of dangerous attack aim to that monster. And when the night come, Master cat viper appear, in the first appearance, he promptly take Jack fall down to the ground. Even Jack the Drought must talk about them as a monster (Master cat), a real soldier ( Duke Dogstorm).

Different feelings of Straw Hat members when they are in a new island.

    Luffy is excited about all thing in that strange island. And try to find a lot of meat as possible.

    Robin is eager to expose the history of every place, he love researching them and some time she has a lot of scary theories.

    Zoro is the most serious member in each adventure in a new place, but he always get lost by some ridiculous reasons.

    Chopper is quite timid, he is always on the ship or follows another strong member to have protection.

    Sanji strolls around to find ingredients for their meals and of course he can easily fall in love with any woman in there.
    if the new place is a city, Nami'll go shopping and if it's an unknown island, she'll try to follow one of the strongest members ( Zoro, Sanji or Luffy) for her safety.

   Brook always want to do somethings, he tries to find the chance to help another, but in fact he is the member who alway gets trouble and need the help.

    Franky- the shipwright, he often takes care for Sunny and fills himself with cola before get on the new place. 

    And here is our God, he is alway like this.